The new challenge presented in stopping unauthorised access and managing the integrity of the exam is how remote assessment has increased in scale. As a result of this, there is a growing need to pave the way for ensuring better security when providing online assessments and online exams. One of the most innovative solutions towards safeguarding and proofing cheating within the test is real-time multi browser monitoring.

In this blog, we should get a taste of what multi-browser monitoring is, where its role has to play in the world of checking security and why multi-browser monitoring is important for modern online examination platforms. For example, Think Exam.

Understanding Multi-Browser Monitoring

It is an interest to note that multi browser monitoring is devised for security to make sure that every activity of the candidate that passes through internet browsers is tracked and controlled. The intention of that is to ascertain that a test-taker cannot switch browsers to trace answers, access unauthorised material, or collaborate.

The technology is guaranteed by the way of real-time monitoring, presence of activity tracking in advance, and the most awaited intelligent alerts to capture the activity level in the test-taking spree in a justified manner.

Impact of Unauthorised Access

Unauthorised access during online exams compromises the integrity of the assessment process and has such far-reaching effects:

  • Compromised Results – cheating in the accessing of cheating or external resources leads to the wrong evaluation of the worth of test results.
  • Loss of Trust – inconsistency with the methods of assessment places mostly organizations and institutions at a loss over the faith that people have in them.
  • Increase in Costs – Security breach tends to lead to an increase in cost for it may result into consideration such as re-scheduling of exam dates. A more secure environment development tends to increase the cost of the test for each student.

Multi-browser browsing can protect against threats, bringing another layer of defense that is proactive against the threats.

The Features of Multi-Browser Monitoring.

  1. Browser Lockdown

The feature prevents candidates taking the exam from opening multiple windows or going back and forth between the applications. At the start of an exam, it goes ahead and locks the browser so that, from that point on, only the examination interface itself can be the only thing offered to any candidate. 

  1. Real-Time Alerts

Should a candidate attempt to open another browser or tab, the system at once generates an alert, enabling the proctors to make a quick take-down.

  1. AI-Powered Detection

High-Level AI Algorithms would be able to trace out such subtle behavior that a person does when attempting to cheat, for example, in an organised manner or when taking advantage of withdrawn activity.

  1. Comprehensive Reporting

Similarly, the software should boast vast and penetrating reports provided for candidate behavior: what URL did the candidate visit; from which IP address; and for how many full hours on end; and most possibly learn which page they were mostly sitting off the rest ‘.

The Role of Multi-Browser Monitoring in Preventing Unauthorised Access

  1. Disabling External Searches: The candidate makes use of other browsers to search for answers or reference materials which are not authorised. All such issues are locked in multi-browser monitoring. Everything they will give their mind to will be exam content.
  2. Attempting to Accommodate Interactions: However, it should be kept in mind that at the very time that browsers jostle for their place, a friend can also send messages and chat with the aid of some collaboration applications. Prevention of these acts is done through the assistance of multi browser monitoring. 
  3. Maintaining Exam Fairness: Multi-browser monitoring enables the enforcement of rules in an unbiased way for all test-takers.
  4. Enhancing Proctoring Efficiency: Multi browser monitoring is automated, allowing lesser responsibilities for the teacher proctor while monitoring the examination and more responsibility on more sophisticated methods of proctoring.

How Think Exam Integrates Multi-browser Monitoring

At Think Exam, our platform has been designed to deliver a seamless yet secure examination encounter. 

One of Think Exam’s core features is multi-browser monitoring, promising secured assessments online.

  • Browser Lock Technology: Automatically, the candidates will be restricted to the test interface.
  • Proctor Alerts: Real-time proctor notification whenever any unauthorised behavior is spotted.
  • Scalable Solutions: Can be used by any kind of institution or organisation to carry out exams on wide scales.
  • Customizable Security Settings: Administrators can customise monitoring parameters according to their requirements.

Upon embedding into the foundation of going through the test, security arrangements are seen to ensure a fair, reliable, and unauthorised access-proof exam.

The Future of Exam Security

Online assessments are becoming more and more common every day, escalating the role security will play when conducting an exam. 

Due to its application, that technology completely eliminates any form of cheating and promotes trust within the complete examination process, further promoting the acceptance, adoption, and growth of online assessment solutions.


Multi-browser monitoring as a characteristic is no longer just a feature to be regarded as a security aspect in the modern online exam platform. It allows institutions to maintain their distinction by providing a sustainable examination process in all fairness for the candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the significance of multi-browsing in online exam monitoring?

Multi-browser monitoring is a powerful security feature that keeps candidates from accessing unauthorised browsers, tabs, or applications while an exam is going on that is online. Through tracking and controlling activities of the entire browser, it nullifies chances for anyone to cheat or access unprofessional means of external resources.

  1. How does the security of exams improve via multi-browser monitoring?

It actually disables the opening of any external means of cheating by looking down all the browsers into the interface of the examination and providing real-time alerts as soon as unauthorised activity creeps in, with AI-based detection needed to see mischief. It contributes extremely positively to the overall examination process.

  1. What are all the functionalities of multi-browser monitoring?

The main features are browser lockdown, real-time alerts, AI-powered detection in cheating behavior, and a full coverage of the results of candidate action during the exam.

  1. How has Think Exam leveraged multi-browser monitoring features?

Think Exam enables multi-browser monitoring through practices like browser locking to prevent unauthorised browser operations in the test environment, proctoring system alerts for real-time communications, solutions scalable for all sizes of institutions and with individual security settings for varied roles of administrators.

The Role of Multi Browser Monitoring in Preventing Unauthorised Access