Think Exam provides various features which make it a user-friendly interface, Think Exam is the best and most reliable online examination platform to prepare, practicing, and perform in the examination.
Some of the features that are given by Think Exam:
Question Bank
Users can manage unlimited storage of 7 variant types of questions, offering a detailed overview; can set difficulty levels using different formatting styles of the created questions. Users can upload images; create complex mathematical equations, multi-language input support, etc.
Candidate Management
The user can add and import candidates, assign a group of similar aspirants, the user can keep an all-over record of different candidates giving the exams.
Test Creation
Advance test assigning settings is provided by the think exam portal like you can restrict students for forward-backward movements to monitor cheating.
Different types of templates are provided for the different types of tests and the admin can create online test or a practice test depending on the admin.
A user has to use a Professional or Business account to experience the monetize feature by uploading test series or learning assignments, the admin can provide the students with discounts and coupons giving it a different edge for the admin.
It also gives 4 different platforms for the payment gateway for a hassle-free experience.
Reporting System
Propelled scoring and examining devices offering itemized clearness over the imprints acquired in each subject, segment, and test. This will give a top-to-the-bottom view of the scorecards and the execution of the related applicants.
The administrator can see the inquiry, answer to oversee tests, and following of the understudies and he can likewise observe the business report of his items to decide the figures of the offer.
Profoundly secured content stream on this exam programming and secured a multi-installment passage with activated notice channels to have a secured and encoded interface to have a bother-free testing interface.