How online examinations can improve students’ learning?

According to the latest research, the giant Edtech is breaking all the records, and it is expected that it would grow nearly 10 times. Also, an online examination has created a transition in education through a virtual landscape. Looking at the Covid scenario, a lot of institutes and universities have sensed the transition in the education system. Although, this digital evolution is creating a demand for online examination software.

 The online examination software is selling like hot cake nowadays. Meanwhile, the main focus would remain on students’ skill development, better teaching, and learning. There is nothing better than online exam software for upholding the continuity of exams. Also, CBSE has seen the impact of online education in the current scenario. There are a variety of digital tools and availability of information. Hence, Government authorities and industries are determining the model of learning and assessment in higher education and how it is overcoming the student’s challenges. However, In the twenty-first century, learning has changed its fundamentals due to rapidly changing technology.


Purpose of online examination software

The primary objective of online examination software is to evaluate the student’s knowledge and enhance the student’s learning. Meanwhile, the objective might vary based on the use of the online exam software

Types of Assessments

  • 1. Formative Assessment: Formative assessments evaluate how well the student is learning the course. Also,  These are prominent when they are ongoing, consistent, and provide feedback to the learner. 
  • 2. Summative Assessments: Summative assessments analyze the student’s knowledge after the completion of the course and also certifies how well your content supports the student’s learning. 

Approaches for analyzing students online

There are various approaches to determining the student’s learning skills which are as follows: 

  • • Online quizzes 
  • • Essay Questions
  • • Drag and Drop activities 
  • • Dialogue Simulation 
  • • Online Polls 
  • • Game type activities 
  • • Peer Evaluation and Reviews 
  • • Forum Posts 

The method of evaluation varies from the objective of learning. Online exam software is appropriate for evaluating the candidate’s knowledge. 

Ways to assess students online

Method to assess students online:

  • • Online Essays: It is ideal for determining the learning results of the mass audience and appropriate way to engage students in learning. It can be in the form of multiple-choice, fill-in blanks and hotspots. Also, the quiz is easy to access and short. 
  • • Open-ended questions: Open-ended questions are a popular form of qualitative assessment. It motivates students to share their thoughts and opinions revolving around the topic. It determines the critical thinking skills of a student 
  • • Drag and Drop activities: The drag and drop type of assessment determines the student’s skill to link information to solve practical problems. It helps a student to apply knowledge and use it in real-life situations.  

With online examination software, learning would never stop. Universities and colleges are eliminating the exam-related hassle with online examination software for seamless learning. 


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